Canadian Psychometric Services Français Reducing retail shrinkage is the best and easiest way to improve your net profits. Although figures vary slightly, most business losses are caused by insiders (about 65%), with the majority due to theft. Hiring the best employee as well as the most honest employee is the most important management decision you will make. Every dollar you save is a dollar of profit you keep. It pays to keep the right person.
THE THEFT EQUATION Why do some people steal, no matter the risks and with so little or no provocation? THE THEFT MODEL Attitudes: Everyone has dreams, wants, and needs which they desire to fulfill; all are tempted at these points. Temptation is common to everyone — it is our attitudes that will determine how we deal with temptation. Stressors: at any given time everyone is under some stress. Additionally everyone will encounter significant stress at some point in their life. People may steal depending on what type or how great the stress. Financial problems tend to be the leading cause of stress that leads to theft. Opportunity: Who better than an insider to steal? Insiders know the systems and procedures and are trusted, thus they have opportunity. H.I.L.S. The H.I.L.S. highlights the attitudes of applicants regarding Theft, Drug Abuse, and Violence. In addition the H.I.L.S. also highlights honest and loyal employees. Applicants who score in the quality range will be much less likely to steal, no matter the need or opportunity. These quality employees will work to increase employee morale, reduce stress and create a climate which is intolerant of any type of theft or counter productivity. THE H.I.L.S. Uniquely Canadian, the H.I.L.S. is a web based honesty, integrity and loyalty test designed to be completed without supervision, in a variety of normal environments. The H.I.L.S., once completed the results guaranteed to be returned the next business day or your money back.
SELECTION METHODS a) First Choice Selection Method In areas where high shrinkages or the selection of only the best, most honest persons will do, use the First Choice method to select employees. This method can and should be used when you have a critical need, i.e., promotion to management, or other high risk jobs. It should also be used when it is more important for you to select the right person as opposed to needing a number of employees immediately. b) Top Applicants Selection Method If you require more than two employees
c) Top% Applicants Selection Method When there are many positions to be filled and many applicants will apply, use the H.I.LS. to select the top 33% or 50%. As long as their scores do not fall into the Poor Attitude range, the H.I.LS. will assist you to select the best prospective employees. This method provides an excellent screening service when several positions need filling and builds confidence in the screening process. This method will result in reduced losses due to employee theft, counter productivity and negligence. d) Assistance Selection Method When industrial circumstances warrant it, the H.I.LS. can be used to screen and hire applicants on the spot Using the bubble font answer sheets and faxing the answer sheet to the rush fax number for your area you will receive the results in under ten minutes You will then be able to make your decision before the applicant leaves your premises. This method helps you screen out possible counterproductive employees and provides confidence in the employee selection process. HUMAN RIGHTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The H.I.L.S. is designed on the principle that each The H.I.L.S. SCALES The H.I.L.S. is composed of four interrelated sections which correlate to flag, or highlight an applicant who may pose a potential risk to the company. RISK SCALES The H.I.L. scale, for which the test is named, positively measures the applicants' Honesty, Integrity and Loyalty traits. • honest people are less likely to steal, • people with integrity usually demonstrate honesty when stressed, • loyal employees work to protect the company image and have empathy for fellow employees. The THEFT scale measures the common attitudes consistently present in persons who have admitted to serious theft. The differences between honest and dishonest attitudes are not always strongly apparent. Applicants scoring poorly on this scale will be: • much more tempted to steal when stressed or given the opportunity, • more likely to cover up other employee thefts. The DRUG scale measures the applicant's attitudes toward the nonsocial use of alcohol and the illicit use of narcotic drugs. Employees who abuse alcohol or use illicit drugs are more likely to: • engage in counter productivity, i.e., abusive treatment & damage to property, • engage in unproductive behavior, i.e. absenteeism, tarries, injuries, and poor effort, • engage in thefts to finance their habits. The VIOLENCE scale measures the attitudes of employees concerning verbal and/or physical violence. People whose attitudes justify their violence are prone to: • cause damage to staff and customer relations. • cause damage to property and your sales efforts. • become argumentative, abusive and raise the stress level in your store. The BOLDNESS scale measures a person' positive attitudes toward resolving job-related conflict, these employees tend to put potential fires out rather than fanning the flames. The end result of selecting applicants scoring well on these four Risk scales will be 1) increased profit, 2) increased employee morale, and 3) increased employee intolerance toward theft and counter productivity. VALIDITY SCALES Validity scales (Social Desirability and Lie) are included to assess how honestly applicants answer the H.I.L.S. STRESS SCALES Stress scales (Health and Finance) assess the applicants' perceived need in the two most commonly associated stress areas leading to theft. SECTION IV This section highlights applicants who have clearly defined definitions of Honesty, Integrity and Loyalty and is the one open ended subjective component of the survey.
Dr. MONTOYA co-creator of the H.I.L.S. test conducted the original Mr. P. L. KILPATRICK (retired R.C.M.P. member), now Security consultant, has teamed up
Advice from the Vernon detachment of the RCMP "Have the applicant complete the H.I.L.S. test."
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